1,734 research outputs found

    Phase Structure of Compact Star in Modified Quark-Meson Coupling Model

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    The K−^- condensation and quark deconfinement phase transitions are investigated in the modified quark-meson coupling model. It is shown that K−^- condensation is suppressed because of the quark deconfinement when B1/4<B^{1/4}<202.2MeV, where BB is the bag constant for unpaired quark matter. With the equation of state (EOS) solved self-consistently, we discuss the properties of compact stars. We find that the EOS of pure hadron matter with condensed K−^- phase should be ruled out by the redshift for star EXO0748-676, while EOS containing unpaired quark matter phase with B1/4B^{1/4} being about 180MeV could be consistent with this observation and the best measured mass of star PSR 1913+16. We then probe into the change of the phase structures in possible compact stars with deconfinment phase as the central densities increase. But if the recent inferred massive star among Terzan 5 with M>>1.68M⊙_{\odot} is confirmed, all the present EOSes with condensed phase and deconfined phase would be ruled out and therefore these exotic phases are unlikely to appear within neutron stars.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    A CLEAN-based Method for Deconvolving Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulses

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    Multipath propagation in the interstellar medium distorts radio pulses, an effect predominant for distant pulsars observed at low frequencies. Typically, broadened pulses are analyzed to determine the amount of propagation-induced pulse broadening, but with little interest in determining the undistorted pulse shapes. In this paper we develop and apply a method that recovers both the intrinsic pulse shape and the pulse broadening function that describes the scattering of an impulse. The method resembles the CLEAN algorithm used in synthesis imaging applications, although we search for the best pulse broadening function, and perform a true deconvolution to recover intrinsic pulse structre. As figures of merit to optimize the deconvolution, we use the positivity and symmetry of the deconvolved result along with the mean square residual and the number of points below a given threshold. Our method makes no prior assumptions about the intrinsic pulse shape and can be used for a range of scattering functions for the interstellar medium. It can therefore be applied to a wider variety of measured pulse shapes and degrees of scattering than the previous approaches. We apply the technique to both simulated data and data from Arecibo observations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Extracting the three- and four-graviton vertices from binary pulsars and coalescing binaries

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    Using a formulation of the post-Newtonian expansion in terms of Feynman graphs, we discuss how various tests of General Relativity (GR) can be translated into measurement of the three- and four-graviton vertices. In problems involving only the conservative dynamics of a system, a deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction is equivalent, to lowest order, to the introduction of the parameter beta_{PPN} in the parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, and its strongest bound comes from lunar laser ranging, which measures it at the 0.02% level. Deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction, however, also affects the radiative sector of the theory. We show that the timing of the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar provides a bound on the deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction at the 0.1% level. For coalescing binaries at interferometers we find that, because of degeneracies with other parameters in the template such as mass and spin, the effects of modified three- and four-graviton vertices is just to induce an error in the determination of these parameters and, at least in the restricted PN approximation, it is not possible to use coalescing binaries for constraining deviations of the vertices from the GR prediction.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; v2: an error corrected; references adde

    Detection of OH absorption against PSR B1849+00

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    We have searched for OH absorption against seven pulsars using the Arecibo telescope. In both OH mainlines (at 1665 and 1667 MHz), deep and narrow absorption features were detected toward PSR B1849+00. In addition, we have detected several absorption and emission features against B33.6+0.1, a nearby supernova remnant (SNR). The most interesting result of this study is that a pencil-sharp absorption sample against the PSR differs greatly from the large-angle absorption sample observed against the SNR. If both the PSR and the SNR probe the same molecular cloud then this finding has important implications for absorption studies of the molecular medium, as it shows that the statistics of absorbing OH depends on the size of the background source. We also show that the OH absorption against the PSR most likely originates from a small (<30 arcsec) and dense (>10^5 cm^-3) molecular clump.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    A post-Keplerian parameter to test gravito-magnetic effects in binary pulsar systems

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    We study the pulsar timing, focusing on the time delay induced by the gravitational field of the binary systems. In particular, we study the gravito-magnetic correction to the Shapiro time delay in terms of Keplerian and post-Keplerian parameters, and we introduce a new post-Keplerian parameter which is related to the intrinsic angular momentum of the stars. Furthermore, we evaluate the magnitude of these effects for the binary pulsar systems known so far. The expected magnitude is indeed small, but the effect is important per se.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, 1 eps figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review D; references adde

    A Modified Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity Theory and the Constraint on its Parameters

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    A gravity theory called scalar-tensor-vector gravity (STVG) has been recently developed and succeeded in solar system, astrophysical and cosmological scales without dark matter [J. W. Moffat, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 03, 004 (2006)]. However, two assumptions have been used: (i) B(r)=A−1(r)B(r)=A^{-1}(r), where B(r)B(r) and A(r)A(r) are g00g_{00} and grrg_{rr} in the Schwarzschild coordinates (static and spherically symmetric); (ii) scalar field G=Const.G=Const. in the solar system. These two assumptions actually imply that the standard parametrized post-Newtonian parameter γ=1\gamma=1. In this paper, we relax these two assumptions and study STVG further by using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation approach. With abandoning the assumptions, we find γ≠1\gamma\neq1 in general cases of STVG. Then, a version of modified STVG (MSTVG) is proposed through introducing a coupling function of scalar field G: θ(G)\theta(G). We have derived the metric and equations of motion (EOM) in 1PN for general matter without specific equation of state and NN point masses firstly. Subsequently, the secular periastron precession ω˙\dot{\omega} of binary pulsars in harmonic coordinates is given. After discussing two PPN parameters (γ\gamma and β\beta) and two Yukawa parameters (α\alpha and λ\lambda), we use ω˙\dot{\omega} of four binary pulsars data (PSR B1913+16, PSR B1534+12, PSR J0737-3039 and PSR B2127+11C) to constrain the Yukawa parameters for MSTVG: λ=(3.97±0.01)×108\lambda=(3.97\pm0.01)\times10^{8}m and α=(2.40±0.02)×10−8\alpha=(2.40\pm0.02)\times10^{-8} if we fix ∣2γ−β−1∣=0|2\gamma-\beta-1|=0.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PR

    The Madison plasma dynamo experiment: a facility for studying laboratory plasma astrophysics

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    The Madison plasma dynamo experiment (MPDX) is a novel, versatile, basic plasma research device designed to investigate flow driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities and other high-β\beta phenomena with astrophysically relevant parameters. A 3 m diameter vacuum vessel is lined with 36 rings of alternately oriented 4000 G samarium cobalt magnets which create an axisymmetric multicusp that contains ∼\sim14 m3^{3} of nearly magnetic field free plasma that is well confined and highly ionized (>50%)(>50\%). At present, 8 lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6_6) cathodes and 10 molybdenum anodes are inserted into the vessel and biased up to 500 V, drawing 40 A each cathode, ionizing a low pressure Ar or He fill gas and heating it. Up to 100 kW of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) power is planned for additional electron heating. The LaB6_6 cathodes are positioned in the magnetized edge to drive toroidal rotation through J×B{\bf J}\times{\bf B} torques that propagate into the unmagnetized core plasma. Dynamo studies on MPDX require a high magnetic Reynolds number Rm>1000Rm > 1000, and an adjustable fluid Reynolds number 10<Re<100010< Re <1000, in the regime where the kinetic energy of the flow exceeds the magnetic energy (MA2=(M_A^2=(v//vA)2>1_A)^2 > 1). Initial results from MPDX are presented along with a 0-dimensional power and particle balance model to predict the viscosity and resistivity to achieve dynamo action.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Vainshtein Mechanism in Binary Pulsars

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    We compute the scalar gravitational radiation from a binary pulsar system in the simplest model that exhibits the Vainshtein mechanism. The mechanism is successful in screening the effect from scalar fields conformally coupled to matter, although gravitational radiation is less suppressed relative to its general relativity predictions than static fifth forces effects within the pulsar system. This is due to a combination of two effects: firstly the existence of monopole and dipole radiation; secondly the Vainshtein suppression comes from the hierarchy of scales between the inverse frequency scale and the Vainshtein radius, rather than the orbital radius of the pulsar system. Extensions of these results will have direct relevance to infrared modifications of gravity, such as massive gravity theories, which are known to exhibit a Vainshtein mechanism. Generalization to Galileon models with higher order interactions are likely to provide stronger constraints.Comment: minor revisions to match published version in pr
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